Friday, May 23, 2008

Live through this, and you won't look back…

So I've been having doubts. Many doubts. I think this is probably normal when you're about to do something like this. But I don't know how normal something like this is, so that doesn't mean much.

It doesn't help that both my parents and most of my friends are constantly trying to dissuade me; I know they're just concerned.

I guess as it gets closer it gets realer, and hence scarier... Long winding roads for up to 9 hours at a time. Deer and moose crossing highways. Car trouble while alone in the wilderness with no cell reception. Big giant cities leaning in on me from all 360 degrees. Running out of money and not being able to get home. Etc... Plus what if this ends up just being boring as hell!?

I refuse to succumb to these doubts and fears, but I am forced to acknowledge some of them as just plain common sense. So I've decided to be open to change. First of all, the final destination of Prince Edward Island is going to have it's status lowered from definite to tentative. If I make it I make it, if not, it's the journey that's important.

Also, I'm seriously considering going south of the great lakes. I could stop off in Minneapolis and visit my awesome aunt and uncle who live there, and my also awesome cousins who I don't get to see enough of. They'd be glad to show me around too.

The pros of going south of the lakes is it will be faster. It will be safer in some ways, namely I'll be on highways the whole way and not on twisting 2 lane blind corners in Ontario. By staying with my aunt and uncle it will save me money. Gas is cheaper in the states too.

The cons, however, are note-worthy. The highways in the states are 120km per hour. I've had my license just over a month, and never driven that fast. Kinda intimidating. I have to cross the border, twice, and while not a big deal, the last time I did I had a less than great experience. Plus I'll have to go through Chicago. If I was going with someone that'd be a pro, but Chicago alone is another thing to add to the list of intimidating things that lie ahead.

I've been training myself for this trip. As I wrote, I went to Gimli the other day, just to get some highway experience. A few days ago I went to King's Park and spent the day walking around with my Ipod on and taking some photos (including the ones at the top and bottom of this post) to get a feel of what the bulk of this trip will feel like. Last night I drove to St. Adolphe to get some night highway experience. As I was driving I had to hit the breaks because a family of wolves or coyotes were crossing the road. I was quick on the breaks, which was good to know. The baby wolves/coyotes were so cute.

I've still been getting new music like crazy. I have so much that I made a playlist out of just the best songs and the playlist is 13 hours long. That's just the best songs of the albums, and most of the albums are totally worth listening through on their own. To get a taste I just updated my muxtape, so go there and give it a listen.

So even though the trip only has a tentative destination, and the Canada feel has faded a bit, the trip is still very much on. I am scared, I won't lie. But also excited. And that's what this is all about.

9 days...

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